Wish you More
counseling & coaching

As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.

– Rumi


Wish you more helps women with their un balance energy as a result of an illness. In the process of Coaching and counseling you will restore your energy balance again. In addition, this will help you and your family to find balance in to the day-to-day life. An optimal use of your day, is a result of a good energy balance. The most important factor is that you can enjoy yourself and your family do everything you want.

Do you recognize yourself in these circumstances?

  • Stress, irritable and low energy balance
  • Psychosomatic complaints and fatigue
  • Poor sleep and getting out of bed exhausted
  • Guilt for not fulfilling your responsibilities for your loved ones
  • Relationship problems
  • Limited social life due to low energy
  • Disoriented at work
  • No drive or energy for social activities


As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.

– Rumi

Disturbed energy balance:

Do you feel tired, sluggish, too emotional or feeling weak? Then these are signs of a disturbed energy balance. This disturbance of low energy balance can have multiple causes, such as; tension, Stress, trauma, poor lifestyle and also side effect of medication. As a result you might experience, fear, disperse and irritation come to the surface. Change the next phase of bad habits and negative thoughts and start balancing your energy today.

Wish you more helps you to take the right steps;

  • Being aware of your current situation.
  • Analyze where and how you lose most of your energy.
  • You learn to recognize and set your boundaries.
  • Discover relaxation methods and apply that in your daily life.
  • Planning a daily routine for healthy eating and sufficient exercise
  • Recognizing your new goals in life and achieving them.

After a successfully Completing the 8-step plan at Wish you more you will experience;

  • Increase of energy and drive for life
  • Change of mind set from surviving mood to living again.
  • Achieving inner peace
  • Gaining a full control over your life
  • Identifying opportunities instead of obstacles.

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?

– Rumi

About me

With awareness, reality shifts”.

 (don Miguel Ruiz) 

My name is Haleh and I firmly believe in these four simple words. In my opinion, everything starts with awareness. Then you have the choice to look away or consciously choose the difficult path and work to achieve something very beautiful, namely; a better version of yourself.

If you are reading this then you have chosen the better version of yourself.

Welcome to “Wish you More“.

Where I wish you all the peace, happiness, sunshine, harmony, love and energy.


Mijn ervaring met coaching Haleh,

Via drie online proefles bij Haleh maakte ik kennis met coaching. Haleh leerde me dat de weg de belangrijkste is, dus op je eigen tempo je pad volgen. 
Haleh haar passie en authenticiteit werken prikkelen.
Ik gun iedereen coaching sessie bij Haleh.

Dank je wel voor mooie ervaring.

Saludos Bibi

You are very calm mand you listen to me properly, you are not judgemental. You analyse my situation and try to show me different circumstances and outcome that helps me to make a best decision by myself.


“Ik heb Haleh leren kennen als een geduldige, zeer doortastend en empathisch therapeut. Op het moment dat je met enorme knoppen in je gedachten gang cirkels draait en geen overzicht meer hebt, is zij erg goed in het schetsen van het grote geheel en dat ook tastbaar te maken en door de juiste oefeningen en voorbeelden helpt ze je ook om alles in perspectief te zetten.”


“The reason i com to you: You are acceessible, undrestanding and listening. I know i will not be rejected and taking care lof ike a being. All the other Psy that i have been in Nederland were not warm like you. They were more looking at me like a case.”


Don't wait any longer, get in touch!